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2020, Coming into Focus

Writer's picture: Justin MakemsonJustin Makemson

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

By Michele Platis

Happy New Year! Recently your NMAEA Council held its first meeting of the year. The focus of the January meeting is always the working budget for the year that reflects our vision and goals for the year. Our main goal is to improve our current programs and add new programs in order to increase opportunities and resources for NMAEA membership.

Let’s take a look at what we have planned for 2020:

--> Happening Now: Student Merit Awards - Did you know that you can apply for funds to award to your Spring Arts Show winners? Each region in NM is allocated $225. Each school district and/or school (charter schools included) can apply for these funds. We want art teachers to use this money. All prizes awarded can only be granted to students whose art teacher is an active member of NMAEA. APPLY NOW

--> Happening Now: Regional Outreach Grants: We have heard you and we want more regional outreach too. We know many of you have some great ideas, so here’s your chance to make it happen. We have $250 grants that you can apply: (1) to connect members and potential members in an enjoyable social activity that will promote continued and expanded membership; (2) to challenge participants with professional learning opportunities in order to grow together as professional art educators; (3) to create a venue for members to share expertise and creative work as artists and educators; and/ or (4) to connect members to regional cultural arts resources. APPLY NOW For more information contact

2020 Fall Conference - NMAEA is committed to bringing you high-quality professional development. Date and location coming soon - we know you are going to love it. If you would like to be on the Conference Committee contact

Scholastic Art Awards - NMAEA continues to be a sponsor for the NM Scholastic Awards. We also award five awards to students of NMAEA active members. Opening night at the 508 Warehouse in Albuquerque is February 7, 5:30-8:30. The state awards ceremony will be March 21 starting at 6:30. For more information, visit the NM Scholastic Art Awards website.

Youth Art Month - We are working on a member’s only student only juried art show. Look for information in our newsletters, online and in social media. Contact, if you would like to help in organizing this new program.

A Scholarship for 2021 National Conference - Information will be shared at the 2020 NMAEA Fall Conference.

Professional Awards - NMAEA will continue to honor hard-working, innovative art educators and art education advocates in the state of NM. Keep your eyes posted for nominations.

Summer Summit at Mesalands Community College - Once again, NMAEA is hosting a one and a half-day professional development Summer Summit Workshop in Tucumcari, NM. This workshop is focused on developing and refining your artistic skills in order to fulfill your role as a skilled professional in your field as well as a creative resource. It features high-level, hands-on activities instructed by some of New Mexico’s finest artists and art educators. College credit is included by MCC. NMAEA members receive a discount on registration. Look for information coming soon.

Possible Plans (looking for volunteers to help to spearhead and plan):

Week-long summer retreat - Maybe only 2-3 days for this year. NMAEA would like to offer a summer professional development designed to nourish your artistic soul and spirit.

Art Talks - Using the TED Talks model a series of talks based on important topics in art education.

Members Juried Art Show - This one is for the members, not the students of members.

Can you see it? The vision the Council has for 2020? I hope you are as excited as we are about NMAEA’s 2020 list of programs. Be sure to apply for student merit award funds or nominate a colleague for a professional award this year. I would also like to encourage you to volunteer. You do not have to join the Council or run for the Executive Board, but maybe you have a great idea for a regional event or an Art Talk. We could always use help planning conference, the awards ceremony or one of our possible events listed above. Feel free to email me at any time

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