Final Call: Conference organizers have extended the deadline (one final time) to submit session proposals for the 2022 NMAEA Conference to July 30th!!!
Based on proposals received to-date, we are still looking for 5-10 more fantastic workshops/presentations for the 2022 NMAEA Conference (November 4-6 on the campus of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque). We have a fantastic conference schedule in-progress, but right now the only thing missing is YOUR PRESENTATION. We are still looking for conference workshops/presentations covering diverse topics, and workshops/presentations can take on equally diverse formats.
We have studio spaces, galleries and museums, classrooms, and seminar rooms to support just about any idea you can come up with for your workshop/presentation–
Did you do something extraordinary with your students this past semester?
Have you researched or read a book on something you just can't stop thinking about?
Is you latest artwork on exhibit somewhere and you are looking to talk to someone about it?
Do you plan to restructure your teaching in the coming semester based off something you learned from a newly-encountered thinker, maker, material, or technology?
In short, we want to hear about YOUR experiences, YOUR expertise, and YOUR explorations at the upcoming conference.
If you missed the July 15th deadline, you still have until the end of the month to reach out to friends and colleagues (it's always more fun to present together) to co-present and/or polish up your individual proposal.
Please share this CFP with colleagues outside of the organization as well. Thank you.
You can find the online proposal form here.